Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Here you see some of the children who are staying in the school for the whole year, except vacations. They are from poor families living far away, or orphans. They are sleeping with 4-6 persons in one bedroom and get food and help with housetasks and learning. One boy (not on this picture) had a terrible background, he saw how his father murdered his mother and his father was sent to prison after this. So he was left all alone and now he can be in a loving, caring atmosphere. The most important thing is that they are confronted with the gospel. Could you please help with your donations that this children can stay here?
Baptism from some scholars from Filadelfia school.

Meeting in the big hall from the school during the graduation from last year.

One girl receives proudly her certificate.

A large audience attends this important occasion.

Above the pictures taken at our last visit in May 2018, a nice sport accomodation outside and the new building of inside sport building and the new Kindergarten.
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