Friday, July 5, 2024

Prachtig project Creation van Good News Foundation in Orgovany, Hongarije!


Saturday, January 11, 2020

HONGARIJE - Evangelisatieproject onder zigeuners in Iszak

 Gehuurd gebouw wat eerst gebruikt werd als cafe, nu iedere week evangelisatiediensten.
 De binnenkant wordt keurig geschilderd en opgeknapt

 Evangelisatiedienst in de achtertuin

 Huissamenkomsten bij mensen thuis


 Doopdienst van pasbekeerde zigeuners

Thursday, January 10, 2008


A beautiful and nostalgic view in the puszta, horses and buggies are still used by a lot of people.

Another particular sight, the Trabant. Those cars are made of polyester and make a lot of noise.

Our dear sister Boriska, reading her bible with double glasses. Living in poor circumstances but always joyful in the Lord, it is a real blessing to visit her and to encourage each other with bible-verses and songs. A few years ago her husband died and now she lives with her son in a small farmhouse on the puszta.

This reformed church is situated in the middle of nowhere, sadly not many people are attending anymore. Please pray for the pastor of this church (one of the three in this district) for wisdom and strength. The pastor is a born-again believer and faces many difficulties and struggle with the conservative church leaders.
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HUNGARY - Good News Foundation

Here you see the new building from our contact in Hungary, Ficsor Karoly, who is working among the gypsies and poor people in the villages, giving them not only material but also spiritual help.

Some material we could bring and were happily received by our brother.

For many years we have contact with this brother and could see that this mission has been very fruitful. Hungary is a spiritual dark country with many needs and also lots of people are in need of material things and food. This brother combines the material help with spiritual support. Every sunday there is a meeting and also during the weeks there are bible-studies, prayer-meetings and conferences are held several times each year.

Onderwijs aan zigeunerkinderen
Bidden voor mensen tijdens de samenkomst
Opdragen zigeunertweeling

Moeder-kindhuis Maria voor opvang van moeders met kinderen
Moeder met peutertje
Moeder met pasgeboren baby
Moeder in verwachting met peuterPosted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Here you see some of the children who are staying in the school for the whole year, except vacations. They are from poor families living far away, or orphans. They are sleeping with 4-6 persons in one bedroom and get food and help with housetasks and learning. One boy (not on this picture) had a terrible background, he saw how his father murdered his mother and his father was sent to prison after this. So he was left all alone and now he can be in a loving, caring atmosphere. The most important thing is that they are confronted with the gospel. Could you please help with your donations that this children can stay here?
Baptism from some scholars from Filadelfia school.

Meeting in the big hall from the school during the graduation from last year.

One girl receives proudly her certificate.

A large audience attends this important occasion.

Above the pictures taken at our last visit in May 2018, a nice sport accomodation outside and the new building of inside sport building and the new Kindergarten.
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ROMANIA - Poor people

This place looks worse then a barn but there are really people living in this shack. Can you imagine?
Those woman are walking each day 10 miles to sold their self-made brooms, wearing them on their shoulders. They are living under very bad circumstances in a poor mountain-village and try to earn some money with those brooms to buy food for their families.

Here two of them receive self-made scarfs from a Dutch woman.

Begin van renovatie van dit krot zodat er iig geen regen en wind meer doorheen komt.

Een nieuw raam erin gezet waar eerst een stuk plastic voor hing.

Ondanks de armoede toch hele blije gezichten!
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