Thursday, January 10, 2008

HUNGARY - Good News Foundation

Here you see the new building from our contact in Hungary, Ficsor Karoly, who is working among the gypsies and poor people in the villages, giving them not only material but also spiritual help.

Some material we could bring and were happily received by our brother.

For many years we have contact with this brother and could see that this mission has been very fruitful. Hungary is a spiritual dark country with many needs and also lots of people are in need of material things and food. This brother combines the material help with spiritual support. Every sunday there is a meeting and also during the weeks there are bible-studies, prayer-meetings and conferences are held several times each year.

Onderwijs aan zigeunerkinderen
Bidden voor mensen tijdens de samenkomst
Opdragen zigeunertweeling

Moeder-kindhuis Maria voor opvang van moeders met kinderen
Moeder met peutertje
Moeder met pasgeboren baby
Moeder in verwachting met peuterPosted by Picasa

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